Eminem: Truer Mariah Carey med nøgenbilleder

Eminem og Mariah Carey har haft et forhold. Påstår Eminem.
Det benægter sangerinden, og nu er rapperen blevet så sur, at han truer med at offentliggøre nøgenbilleder af 39-årige Carey samt en række intime sms'er.
Mariah Carey gør grin med 36-årige Eminem i musikvideoen til "Obsessed" og hævder, at han er langt ude, når han i sin sang "Bagpipes from Baghdad" indikerer, at de 2 har dyrket sex.
Nu slår den gale rapper kraftigt tilbage i sangen "The Warning".
- Har du nogensinde tænkt over, at jeg stadig har billeder? spørger han blandt andet i teksten, der helt åbenlyst er tilegnet Mariah Carey.
Se "advarslen" her:
"Only reason I dissed you in the first place is because you denied seeing me. Now I'm pissed off. I'm obsessed now. Oh gee, is that supposed to be me in the video with the goatee?
Bitch, shut the fuck up before I put all them phone calls out you made to my house. How many times you fly to my house? Still trying to count.
Better shut your lying mouth if you don't want Nick finding out. You probably think since it's been so long if I had something on you I woulda did it by now.
On the contrary, Mary Poppins, I'm mixing our studio session down and sending it to mastering to make it loud. Enough dirt on you to murder you. Mariah, it ever occur to you that I still have pictures?
Call my bluff and I'll release every fucking thing I got including the voicemails right before you flipped your top.
It cuts like a (knife) when I tell ya get a (life). But I'm movin' on with mine. Nick, is that your wife? Well tell her to shut her mouth then I'll leave her alone. If she don't then I'm just gonna keep goin."
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